Most of the conversations we have with our children consist of do's and don't's, rights and wrongs, food and clothing, etc. The little details of our day that you never think about until you have to help teach another little human how to function in a way that will prove to benefit them when they go into society.
You never consider that one day, out of nowhere, you will have to discuss life and death with a mind that doesn't understand the vocabulary you're used to but does understand the concepts.
Death. Every child is introduced in one form or another. You hope that your child doesn't have to experience too much trauma but some, and the measure of that some, is unavoidable. It is completely out of our hands as parents...
So what do you say to the tougher questions in life, the questions relating to death. Do you dress it up, commercialize it, much like Santa Claus for Christmas? Or do you teach the true meaning of Christmas? It is interesting to hear how parents create their versions of history for their children because they don't think children can understand the bigger concept.
Maybe my children are smarter than everyone else's. (smile) Well, of course they are!
But seriously...
I have been able to discuss Heaven, Hell, sin, salvation, atonement, confession, repentance, resurrection, eternity, and the trinity with my children as early as they can talk.
Much like food, you start with what's easy and work into what's harder to chew.
Trusting God. Omnipresence. Communion.
With a strict focus on concept, not vocabulary.
But they follow your lead.
So if you don't lead, or if you're lost yourself...then who is your child following?
and where?
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